I haven't posted raw facts for awhile, mostly because I've been in a sort of neutral gear. Not that things haven't been moving, but the motor hasn't been revved for any hills or rises. That's good for me, I think-- as a person who loves to work and strive and get over the next hill and around the next bend. As I putter along in the quiet of a stalled engine, God does astounding, wonderful things.
1. Funding. Wondrously, miraculously arrived at 93% funded. Because nearly half of that came in one-time cash gifts that will parse out to see me through part of the year, I know that I'm nowhere close to being able to put up my feet and call it done, but it's still a fantastic thing to see. Particularly because it gives me the go-ahead to...
2. MOVE! I have begun looking at maps and routes, and the current plan is to start driving right before New Year's, attend a dear friend's wedding in Texas, and roll into San Diego in the first week of January.
3. And I will live in City Heights! Thanks be to God, I have a place to live confirmed, with 2 housemates who've been living there for awhile (both women who work for InterVarsity in community colleges, who have also been on the Global Urban Trek-- fun connections). The short version of the story is that a friend connected us in August, knowing that I was getting ready to come to San Diego... at some point. Unfortunately, I had to keep pushing back my relocation date as I continued to raise support. In October, I gave up trying to hold on to this living situation and assumed I was back to square one. Along came the end of November, the plan to move SOON, and the need to find housing. I began asking around again, and the room was still available! Hooray! The landlord hadn't charged rent on that room, simply praying that "the right person would come along to fill it."
What peace-filled, wonderful gifts. Many, many answers to prayer are woven through all the developments of the past few weeks, and I give thanks and praise to the God who is the author and giver of all good things.