Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Strains of False Fellowship

Been thinking a lot lately about being known by people and how completely, incredibly different it is to be known by God. We need both; we were created for both; yet sometimes it seems so much easier to hold back to ourselves. And then this devotional was yesterday’s soothing word from the book I mentioned a few weeks ago: Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

“Come to me with your defenses down, ready to be blessed and filled with My Presence. Relax, and feel the relief of being totally open and authentic with me. You have nothing to hide and nothing to disclose, because I know everything about you already. You can have no other relationship like this one. Take time to savor its richness, basking in my golden light.

One of the worst consequences of the Fall is the the elaborate barriers people erect between themselves and others. Facades abound in the world, even in my body, the church. Sometimes, church is the last place where people feel free to be themselves. They cover up with Sunday clothes and Sunday smiles. They feel relief when they leave because of the strain of false fellowship. The best antidote to this artificial atmosphere is practicing my presence at church. Let your primary focus be communing with me, worshiping me, glorifying me. Then you will be able to smile at others with my joy and love them with my love.”

On the Map

Travel:  heading out to Bear Trap Ranch (Colorado) for InterVarsity Global Debriefing through the weekend!  Excited for the opportunity to be with other directors who were overseas this past summer, to retreat, to meet, and probably to see some snow.  =)

Funding:  now at 71%!!!  That leaves only $1,000 to raise in monthly support.  Please continue to pray for God's provision with new and growing partnerships of support.

Me:  doing well, staying busy between church, Spanish translation, and fundraising.  Last week for the first time I began to feel truly content and trust-ful about the process.  Feeling the need to be more brave and adventuresome in my support-raising conversations, but also feeling ready to do that.  Praise God.