Thursday, September 15, 2011

Make Disciples

Shared by a colleague at meetings earlier this week.

Been Awhile

I've noticed that all of us blogger-folk say mas o menos the same thing when we've fallen off the wagon.  We've been busy, don't know what happened, and will have captivating new material up soon.  =)  Since I don't need to say any of that...

It feels like life is sort of but not really getting back to normal.  The fall will resume some regular rhythms of small group Bible study and roommate dinner night, but I also find myself in uncharted territory personally and professionally.  I'm now leading the team in which I was the 'new recruit' just 2 years ago.  I'm beginning to plan for marriage with Christian.  I'm considering what kind of commitment I will have to San Diego for the near future.  I'm wondering which ministry activities to pursue and which ones to let go.  It's my norm, yet not at all normal!

I do wish I had blogged through the summer, especially on the Trek.  There are always so many golden moments and nuggets that take place.  Maybe, just maybe, I will post some of them here... but no promises!  First, I want to get you and myself current.  Then, we'll see what else fits in.