I’ve been tweaking the blog, figuring out some HTML and brushing up on color and graphic, proportion and line. But really, deep down, I’ve been hesitantly trying to find my voice. Trying to find what tone suits a corner of cyberspace and its virtual readers.
That comes with added expectations in the support-raising process, as I’ve learned (and keep learning!) what people need to hear to connect with me. Whether it’s the vision, the biography, the budget or the timeline, we’re all looking for something that clicks or intrigues. It’s as though we each carry around a trembling tuning fork, ears tuned for a matching note somewhere.
Perhaps as a manner of clearing my throat, I’ll at least put aside what I don’t think this blog will be. I’m not an information sorter, so I don’t think I’ll be a stunning, resourcing, RSS feeding info machine. Nor am I keen on Twitter-style narrative documenting my latest misteps with bread-slicing, run-ins with bank-tellers, or otherwise brainless data. (Sorry to those of you who are all about ambient intelligence.)
What I do want (and how I got talked into doing this) is to have a place that you can find me. (Is it sad that a virtual self is more reliable than my presence in any given living room or even city?) I want present and pondering and potential supporters to be able to get a taste of who I am. I want friends and family to keep up with what I’m thinking and doing. I want the ministry that I’m a part of (loving God, the Church, and people) to multiply as others think and go and do likewise.
Maybe it starts with a croak. Then a sip of water. Ahem. Hrm. Here we go.