Friday, August 3, 2012

Plan to see this movie!

Unconditional Trailer from Harbinger Media Partners on Vimeo.

I don't plug movies very often, but I got to attend a pre-screening of Unconditional, and it was very, very good.  I hope to see it again, and I will encourage anyone I know to see it as well.  The "God stuff" is solid, not cheesy, and not too heavy-handed.  It is a powerful story that asks good questions and resists easy answers.  Please share with others!

I also appreciate its clear call to action.  The movie (makers) will offer a direct link to local nonprofits and ministries serving in at-risk communities.  So if you're in that category, check it out and get signed up as a recommended organization.

"Love is the most powerful thing on earth.  I have seen what it can do, and it can do amazing things."